The DC-BTC - Decentralized community Bitcoin!                             Minimum profit is +10% per 2 days.     Up to +9% Referral Bonus.     3-level Partner Bonuses.     Open Around The Clock 24/7. 

  • Members: 78646
  • Donations: 356138
  • Paid to members: 70899.67 BTC
  • Referral bonuses paid: 2603.28 BTC

Mavrodi’s Mathematical Mechanism
alternative ways of earning Bitcoins.

Mathematics - is an exact science, but in real life everything is a little bit more complicated. You can be an excellent mathematician, but do not consider the surrounding external objective factors: power, politics, feelings, emotions ... all this just seems like a trifle. This is the difference between a good mathematician and a genius: considering all the objective external factors. And not even objective, but let’s talk about them later ... now about mathematics in the form of precise calculations.


What we call the world financial system,in fact is a pyramid. Its distinctive feature, same as bitcoin’s, is the purpose of the flow of money. The world financial system is aimed at satisfying the inflated needs of handful of people, and world puppeteers, who publish candy wrappers, and Bitcoin - works for the welfare of participants. It’s appropriate to recall the "predictors" of the world financial pyramid collapsing: what about the dollar? when it will collapse? The answer is simple: never, it just needs some help. An excellent alternative to these world candy wrappers is the Electron-Computational Mathematics in the Bitcoin system. The secret of the success of mathematics from Sergei Mavrodi is the accurate calculation. The lessons of the previous project demonstrated that a brilliant mathematician and a genius practitioner are inseparably linked. Therefore Bitcoin excluded the impact of external factors: the single center doesn't exist. All the money is dispersed in millions of participants' accounts - they’re re invulnerable to power, politics and the world pyramid.

The source code for crypto currency and bitcoin theory are open. In bitcoin they use the same algorithms that are used in Internet banking. The only difference between Internet banking is the disclosure of information about the end user. In the bitcoin network, all information about the transaction is in public access (amount, time), but there is no information about the recipient and the sender of the coins (there is no access to the personal information of the wallet owners

The number of the coins in this system grows at a certain rate, laid down in such a way that it coincides with the speed of gold mining on the planet. The maximum possible number of the coins is strictly limited to 21 million bitcoins. Since there are no political forces or corporations that can change this rule, there is no possibility for inflation to arise in the system. Due to this, the crypto currency in some way is even more reliable than gold. Mathematical calculation guarantees the deficit of bitcoins in the near future. Today, everyone can become an owner of a crypto currency that will never depreciate, and will only grow up. And this is not just an empty promise, it's a mathematical rule that is built-in every wallet program.

  I want to add that now at 2018 year more than 80% of bitcoins are already in turnover. But it is worth noting that getting coins by mining is not profitable and very costly, unlike what the project "Cross Mathematics" offers.

I'll try to explain in a simple way:

What is mining? Mining is a mathematical calculation with the help of a computer, the result of which is finding a "right decision" - a hash.

When this decision is found, the miner receives a reward in the form of a coin, and the hash itself forms a block, awaiting confirmation of the transaction that is included in. I'll try to explain in a simple way: What is mining? Mining is a mathematical calculation with the help of a computer, the result of which is finding a "right decision" - a hash. When this decision is found, the miner receives a reward in the form of a coin, and the hash itself forms a block, awaiting confirmation of the transaction that is included in. At one point, when the number of coins approaches the maximum, the calculated hash will simply stop giving a reward. But the hashes should still be calculated, otherwise the transactions will not be confirmed and users, respectively, will not be able to use the crypto currency - transfer it and pay it off. In other words, while there are requests for transactions, the need for mining and miners will not disappear: without them, the network just doesn't work. The number of transactions is growing every day. Judging by the development of the cryptosphere, by the time the bitcoin issue or other crypto currency is minted by the miners, the number of requests for transactions can reach huge amounts.
The large demand for something in one or another way entails a proposal, so it’s obvious that if there is a need to make transactions, there will be people or companies are ready to serve them, calculating a hash, the miners.  

The popularity and growth rate of bitcoin, Sergei Mavrodi explains like:

"The reason of bitcoin’s popularity is that it gives anonymity." Apparently, in the modern world everyone is tired of the close attention of the "big brother", from the fact that the politicians are watching everything, covering it with different reasons (fighting with terrorists, aliens etc.), this crypto currency has become like a breath of fresh air for everyone.
But another question is interesting. Bitcoin and it’s growth are a complete confirmation of all my ideas. In the modern world, shares are a purely speculative instrument, that is, nothing is worth it. And the fact that the shares are still tied to the issuers, share can even affect them. If something happens to the issuer, it immediately reflects on the course. But in the principle, shares sooner or later start to live their own lives. They are like children, it is necessary to cut off the umbilical cord and let them flow. But this didn’ happen yet, shares are tied to assets, and bitcoin - isn’t longer.

This is a purely speculative tool, behind it there is absolutely nothing, and everyone knows about it. And ask a question to economists: why not a single share can repeat the success of bitcoin, although both of them are speculative instruments? Because there is no company, not even Google, can provide profitability of hundred times per month, but bitcoin can."

(end of quote)

Now back to finances and mathematics.

When forming the exchange rate of any currency relative to the dollar as one of the factors influencing the exchange rate, it includes: the rate of inflation (the higher the inflation rate in a country, the lower the exchange rate of its currency, unless other factors counteract it); the balance of payments situation (with the passive balance, the demand for foreign currency to pay international obligations is growing and the exchange rate of the national currency is decreasing); difference in interest rates in different countries; foreign exchange market activity and speculative currency transactions; the degree of use of a certain currency in the euro-currency market and in international settlements; acceleration or delay of international payments; the degree of confidence in the currency; currency policy, which is aimed at either raising or lowering the exchange rate, based on the tasks of monetary and economic policy.

The exchange rate of bitcoin should be analyzed from the point of view of the quantitative theory of money, which is the basic in economic science today. According to this theory, the cost of bitcoin depends only on three parameters:

The value of money = Y / (V * M)
Y – is the amount by which transactions are made for a certain period of time.
V – is the speed of money turnover.
M – is the amount of money in turnover.

After that, cross mathematics is applied:

The amount of money = S * Y / V
Y – is the amount by which transactions are made for a certain period of time.
V – is the speed of money turnover.
S – is the value of money turnover.

Accordingly, increasing the number of participants and working bitcoins in cross mathematics, the cost of the crypto currency itself and the number of turnover coins among the participants of the system also increases.

This mathematics is implemented in the “DC-BTC” system in the form of voluntary donations, where the project participants turn the bitcoins in the mathematical formula presented above.

All the initial figures that our common system has, and this is the total amount of donations, and the number of participants and the number of bitcoins in turnover, we embody the idea an equitable distribution, thanks to which the participants in our system multiply the number of their bitcoins.



Each participant of the system is entitled to a reward for his donation: + 10%. The remuneration is paid automatically to the participant's wallet in one day after the donation. It means, if you, for example, donated on 15th, then on 17th you will receive a reward. You will be transferring the amount of the donation and the reward + 10%. On the same day, this amount is available for a second donation.

Referral bonuses:

5% for the referral of the first level (direct registration).
3% for the referral of the second level.
1% for the referral of the third level.

So 9% are allocated to referral levels.
Referral bonuses are paid the next day after the referral’s donation.

System development:

Despite the fact that the system is autonomous and decentralized, someone should promote it, carry out educational activities, update the code and provide feedback to the participants. This is for, the system has large team of enthusiasts, programmers, marketers and consultants. Therefore, 1% of the turnover of the system is allocated for system development.